Show Settings

Shoflo's Show Settings

Other apps bury their settings menus behind layers of their UI.  We make it easy to access and simple to navigate.  Click on Events in the left navigation bar and then click the pencil edit icon to access show settings. More information about each setting is available below.

Name – Edit your show’s name

Description – Edit your show’s description

Start Date – Set your show’s start date

Start Time – Set your show’s start time

Item Descriptions – Toggle Item Descriptions on/off

Clocks – Toggle clocks on/off

Preset Time – Toggle preset times on/off

Auto Time – Enable to automatically add the cue duration to the cue start time to determine the following cue’s start time.

Guest Pass – Toggles guest pass on/off

Start Time Reset – Resets any manual start times to their automatic or default values

Item Start Times – Toggles item start times on/off

Auto Item Numbers – Toggles automatic item numbering on/off

Column Order Reset – Resets ALL user’s personal column orders to match the user you selected from the dropdown