Global Elements Manager
Create a reusable library of elements that makes managing your shows easy and seamless.

Enjoyed by these amazing organizations

Create one element, re-use it across all of your events
The crux of the Global Elements Manager is the ability to create a single element that can be reused across multiple events and shows. Changes you make to items inside the Global Elements Manager can be published to their respective instances throughout your events.
→ Reuse elements across events
→ All child elements are linked to the parent
→ Make local edits to linked global elements
→ Selectively publish changes to certain shows

Changes are real time
Published changes are sent in real time to all shows the element resides in.

Selective publishing
Publish changes to all of your shows, or on a per-show basis.

Re-use existing items
Save any of your existing items as global elements for use in other shows.
Publish changes at the click of a button
Once you're done making changes to an element, you can easily publish those changes downstream to your shows in seconds. You can also "retrieve" changes on a per-element basis from within your shows.

Organize your elements with categories and tags
Utilize categories and tags as an organizational tool for defining your elements. For example, categories such as "In-Game" and "As Needed" can be used to denote when an element should be run, while tags such as "Sponsorship" and "Fan Safety" can be used to showcase what type of element it is.
→ Create and manage unlimited categories and tags
→ Filter your view to only see certain elements
→ Categories and tags are included in CSV & XLS exports

Seamlessly insert global elements into your shows
From within the Global Element Manager, all it takes is two clicks to begin inserting your global elements into any active events and shows your team is running. On top of that, from within any show you can insert global elements into any other show in your event.

Seeing is believing. Schedule a free demo of Global Elements Manager.
Packed full of goodies
Our entire Global Elements product suite is filled with features that makes building and managing your shows easier than ever.
Guest pass for stakeholders
Every team's Global Element Manager can be shared as a guest pass link, which is a special read-only version of your show that contains a list of your global elements.
→ Shareable with anyone without needing a Shoflo account
→ Share with the marketing department so they can stay in the loop
→ A simple refresh is all it takes to get the latest version
Re-use your existing items
You can take your existing items & elements that you've already built in Shoflo and save them as new global elements for use in other shows.
→ No need to re-enter information
→ Saved elements are available in other shows
→ All your row data is included
Loaded with standard Shoflo features
Global Elements Manager comes packed with many of the features that our existing customers know and love, as well as some powerful new functionality.
→ Format rows with highlights and rich text editing
→ Insert images right into global elements
→ Track global elements from within regular shows